Thursday, May 31, 2018

Living with a Hound

Our lives, a joy
amid laughter and fun
as we watch our greys
charm everyone.

 Living with a greyhound can be the catalyst for all types of unexpected and humorous    events.  Behaviors displayed by our four legged friends lead us to imagine that we understand them.  These dogs live in their own doggy world, and we try to interpret their actions by using human ethology.  Who knows how they think?  Our requirement remains to watch and enjoy.     

Leaving the “Children” Behind

A month ago, we took a short trip without the dogs.  As we pulled out our suitcases, the normal antics began.  Emma, jumping up and down, shoving her head into me.  Kiowa, being the more sedate one, just followed along looking soulfully at us.  Since retirement, our dogs accompany us almost all of the time.  They remain proficient at traveling and usually sleep most of the time.  Give them a soft bed and water and happiness ensues.  Most greyhounds travel well due to moving from track to track when racing.  However, this time they had to be left behind.

Readying ourselves to leave, Emma made it very clear that she knew her things were not getting packed, and she vocalized repeatedly about it.  I explained to her (like most of us dog mothers do) that we couldn’t take her, and she and her brother were staying at the pet resort.  “You’re going on a vacation, too, and will have all types of fun,” I joyfully said.  Unfortunately she wasn’t buying it.  Both dogs eventually acclimated to the idea and jumped without reservation into the back of the van.  In ten minutes, we arrived at their destination.  Their doldrums quickly changed to excitement as they realized where they were.  As we turned to leave, I raised my hand in a sad good-bye, and both of them showed me their butts and happily wagging tales.  Just like kids, sometimes they love you and sometimes they don’t.

A few days later when we picked them up, they ran to us like they hadn’t seen us in a million years.  Dogs live in the moment and when well cared for, each moment is happy.  That’s certainly a lesson for all of us humans to learn.

Celebrity Power

Being the only greyhound owners in our small town, our dogs have acquired celebrity status.  When walking, townspeople and visitors always acknowledge them and ask questions.  Most people know Kiowa and Emma, not so much us.  We seem to just be an appendage on their long, sleek bodies.

The other day, we ventured out for dinner and met acquaintances.  We acknowledged each other and that was that.  A few days later while walking the dogs, we stopped for a glass of wine at an outside restaurant.  People there talked to us and came over to admire, and of course, pet our dogs.  One couple even invited us to a party.  (I’m not so sure that would have happened if the dogs had not been present.)  As we went to leave the establishment, we bumped into those people we had seen those few days before.  We talked and laughed and as we went to leave, the woman said to me, “I wasn’t sure who you were the other day, but now because of the dogs I know.”  And so it goes.  These animals share the world with superstars, the only difference - four legs and a tail.  

I know this doesn’t only happen to me.  At our Meet & Greets,  people divert their steps to see the greyhounds.  They can’t help it.  They see creatures with sleek, gorgeous bodies, long legs, snake-like tails, and the most interesting facial expressions.  And then there are those eyes, kind and searching.  We insulate ourselves, but we cannot resist.  I continue to enjoy the ride with these distinctive sweet souls and feel privileged to be part of their entourage.